Hot Samantha Gangal

Samantha is a 15 year old actress, singer, and model. Originally from Charlotte, North Carolina, she now lives in Los Angeles. Samantha has appeared in several national commercials, as well as television and film. She also starred in and co-wrote an award winning short film which has been an official selection in many film festivals nationally and internationally. Her commercials include Frito Lay, Duracell, General Motors, Harry Potter, and Disney. She has filmed for DreamworksTV, Investigation Discovery channel and various webseries. For Bart Baker fans, you can catch Samantha performing in his parody video B****, I'm Madonna on youtube. Samantha first started singing in musical theatre at the age of 8. Even though she sings various genres of music, her favorite is 70s and 80s rock. Her recorded cover songs include Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody and Lady Gaga's Shallow. You can see a sampling of her songs under the videos tab here on her website, and a complete listing on her youtube page. Samantha has also modeled for several clothing lines including Rosie G, Dirtee Hollywood, IzzyBe Clothing, and Silver Jeans.

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