Madison Davenport

Madison Davenport picture gallery. Madison Danielle Davenport is an American actress and singer, best known for her voice role as Quillo in Over the Hedge. Born: November 22, 1996 (age 19), San Antonio, TX Height: 5′ 3″ Siblings: Gage Davenport

From Dusk till Dawn actress Madison Davenport. Davenport was born in San Antonio, Texas. She started her career in 2005 when she had a small role in Conversations with Other Women. Soon after she appeared in the television series Numb3rs, Close to Home, CSI: NY, Shameless, and Hot Properties. In 2006, Davenport's voice could be heard in Over the Hedge as Quillo, one of the porcupines in the film. She also had a guest starring role in Bones as Megan, a little girl who helps Temperance Brennan and Seeley Booth. Davenport appeared in Legion of Super Heroes and While the Children Sleep in 2007. In 2008, Davenport was seen in ER and also had a voice over appearance in Special Agent Oso as Stacey & Fiona. She also had many film credits in 2008 including Humboldt County, Kit Kittredge: An American Girl, The Attic Door and Christmas Is Here Again.